Fishing has been top notch as it always is this time of year. We did have two slower days after that strong cold front. Slower meaning we didn’t reel them in quite as fast but still landed 35 Snook on the very toughest day.
Inshore fishing has been very good. There is more Snook around than I have seen in many years. 50 to 60 a day has been the norm with stronger days catching more than 70. The Redfishing has been getting better but we still haven’t had a lot of consistency with them. Most of the Reds I have been catching are mixed in while fishing for Snook. The Trout fishing has been strong and there are plenty of keepers available for those of you that want some extra fillets on an inshore charter.
Offshore Kingfishing has been spectacular. I just finished a trip and we landed more than 40 Kingfish. The Mangrove Snapper are also biting really well along with a few Grouper mixed in. Permit fishing has been strong and on the days when the wind lays down chances are good that we can hookup a few. I haven’t landed any monsters lately but I have seen some approaching the 50 pound mark, too bad the smaller ones made it to the crab first. Any Permit is exciting though. There have also been a few Cobia and Amberjacks around the wrecks. April is what I always say is the best time to fish offshore and its shaping up to be a really good one.
Well I hope you have all enjoyed my report, until next time, have fun on the water. If you want to see what I am catching daily visit .