Milwaukee Fishing, Pounding Out Some Fish !
Milwaukee Fishing, Pounding Out Some Fish ! By Milwaukee Wisconsin fishing charter Capt. Jim Hirt Chinook salmon report 7/30/2018 Join us in Milwaukee! To get my fish reports and how to videos first go to http://www.jimhirt.com By subscribing you will keep ahead of the other anglers. When I post y...
Capt Jim Hirt
Milwaukee Fishing Lake Michigan Salmon Report 5/15/14
Milwaukee Fishing Lake Michigan Salmon Report 5/15/14 By Milwaukee Wisconsin fishing charter Capt. Jim Hirt Coho Start The Season in Milwaukee! Had fantastic action on Coho Salmon. To get my fish reports and how to videos first go to http://www.jimhirt.com By subscribing you will keep ahead of...
Capt Jim Hirt
Milwaukee Fishing Lake Michigan Salmon Report 5/17/13
Milwaukee Fishing Lake Michigan Salmon Report 5/17/13 By Milwaukee Wisconsin fishing charter Capt. Jim Hirt Coho Fever Epidemic in Milwaukee! Had fantastic action on Coho Salmon. To get my fish reports and how to videos first go to http://www.jimhirt.com By subscribing you will keep ahead of the...
Capt Jim Hirt
Milwaukee Fishing Lake Michigan Salmon Report 9/17/12
Milwaukee Fishing Lake Michigan Salmon Report 9/17/12 By Wisconsin fishing charter Capt. Jim Hirt Milwaukee enjoying great fishing and weather! Surface temperature is 70 degrees and the fish are in the harbor and out to 150 feet of water. To get my fish reports and how to videos first go to http://ww...
Capt Jim Hirt
Milwaukee Fishing Lake Michigan Salmon Report 8/21/12
Milwaukee Fishing Lake Michigan Salmon Report 8/21/12 By Wisconsin fishing charter Capt. Jim Hirt Biggest King Salmon of The Year in Milwaukee! Surface temperature is down to 70 degrees and the fish are 40 feet to bottom. The weather has been clear in the morning pop up storms in the afternoon. Morni...
Capt Jim Hirt
Milwaukee Fishing Lake Michigan Salmon Report 4/24/11
Milwaukee Fishing Lake Michigan Salmon Report 4/24/11 By Wisconsin fishing charter Capt. Jim Hirt Early Coho! Early Coho! Early Spring Coho! We had two charter trips this weekend with great action both time periods. In the morning we had good numbers on Coho, one twelve pound Lake Trout and a small...
Capt Jim Hirt
Limit of Lake Trout 3/31/11
Limit of Lake Trout 3/31/11 We had a great time fishing on the Glory Days !! If you would like to see a video fish report of our trip go to http://www.jimhirt.com While your there click the subscription form link to get all my fish reports and articles first.
Capt Jim Hirt
Milwaukee Fishing Lake Michigan Salmon Report 10/11/10
Milwaukee Fishing Lake Michigan Salmon Report 10/11/10 By Capt. Jim Hirt Fish are moving deeper. Sunday afternoon we had a great trip with action on Chinook, Coho, Rainbow and Lake Trout. There are some big Rainbows out there and lead core with spoons is the way to catch them. A temperature break was i...
Capt Jim Hirt
Milwaukee Fishing Lake Michigan Salmon Report 10/6/10
Milwaukee Fishing Lake Michigan Salmon Report 10/6/10 By Capt. Jim Hirt The high wind out of the north has not effected the fishing. The water temperature will be the key to finding fish on your next trip out. As of Monday morning the warm water is in and the fish were out. A temperature break was in 120 to...
Capt Jim Hirt
Milwaukee Fishing Salmon Reports September 21st 2010
Milwaukee Fishing Salmon Reports September 21st 2010 By Capt. Jim Hirt The action and report has not changed at all. Most of our charters trips are in the gaps and out to 50 feet of water The gaps are on most days. Good numbers on all size and age of fish. Overcast days are best and sunny day are slower. Get o...
Capt Jim Hirt
Milwaukee Fishing Salmon Reports September 13th 2010
Milwaukee Fishing Salmon Reports September 13th 2010 By Capt. Jim Hirt Most of our charters trips are in the gaps and out to 40 feet of water The gaps are on most days. Good numbers on all size and age of fish. Overcast days are best and sunny day are slower. Get out at first light for the best action. We are c...
Capt Jim Hirt
Milwaukee Fishing Salmon Reports September 7th 2010
Milwaukee Fishing Salmon Reports September 7th 2010 By Capt. Jim Hirt Fish are in everywhere. They are at the gaps in the river and out to 45 feet of water anywhere along the shore line. Good numbers on all size and age of fish. We are catching Chinooks to 20 pounds Lake Trout to 15 lots of big Browns and Coh...
Capt Jim Hirt
Milwaukee Fishing Salmon Reports September 1st 2010
Milwaukee Fishing Salmon Reports September 1st 2010 By Capt. Jim Hirt Temperature is the answer to more fish. You will find action from 30 to 106 down when the temps are right. Look for 50 degrees and run tackle above and below the temp break. This is the place in the water column where you see a dramatic s...
Capt Jim Hirt
Milwaukee Fishing Salmon Reports August 23rd 2010
Milwaukee Fishing Salmon Reports August 23rd 2010 By Capt. Jim Hirt Widely scattered is the best way to describe recent action for salmon and trout Milwaukee. You must present tackle for all species from the top ten feet of water to the bottom in all depths you fish. A nice mixed bag will be your reward....
Capt Jim Hirt
Milwaukee Fishing Salmon Reports August 19th 2010
Milwaukee Fishing Salmon Reports August 19th 2010 By Capt. Jim Hirt We’re back to more consistent action on all species in a variety of sizes. As usual temperature is the key. Most productive presentation the last several days has been Magnum Reaper spoons in silver with green or blue green accent st...
Capt Jim Hirt
Milwaukee Fishing Salmon Reports July 26th 2010
Milwaukee Fishing Salmon Reports July 26th 2010 By Capt. Jim Hirt Steady and productive is the best way to describe the Lake Michigan Milwaukee salmon fishing. Chinooks of all sizes with four year old Chinook averaging 15 pounds. Rainbows and Lake Trout are plentiful when fishing with all presenta...
Capt Jim Hirt
Milwaukee Fishing Salmon Reports July18th 2010
Milwaukee Fishing Salmon Reports July18th 2010 By Capt. Jim Hirt Milwaukee water is still cold. Chinooks of all sizes with fish to twenty pounds. Rainbows and Lake Trout are plentiful when fishing with all presentation. I haven’t seen many Browns or Coho. Southwest wind has pushed the warm water ou...
Capt Jim Hirt
Milwaukee Fishing Salmon Reports July 8th 2010
Milwaukee Fishing Salmon Reports July 8th 2010 By Capt. Jim Hirt Fishing Milwaukee is excellent with Big Kings Coho and Lake Trout filling the cooler. Southwest wind has pushed the warm water out. Very good action on all species working 40 to 70 feet of water in White Fish Bay three miles north of Milwa...
Capt Jim Hirt
Milwaukee Fishing Salmon Reports June 28th 2010
Milwaukee Fishing Salmon Reports June 28th 2010 By Capt. Jim Hirt Fishing Milwaukee is excellent with Big Kings Coho and Lake Trout filling the cooler. Travel northeast out of the North Gap about six miles at a 55 degrees compass for the cold water that holds the fish. Look for fish from 30 to 80 down on a...
Capt Jim Hirt
Milwaukee Fishing Salmon Reports June 22nd 2010
Milwaukee Fishing Salmon Reports June 22nd 2010 By Capt. Jim Hirt Charter Fishing Milwaukee the fish have moved deeper in the water column. Look for fish from 30 to 80 down on all presentations. Slide Divers with 160 feet of line out are a steady producer with magnum Reaper Pea**** or Fish n Chip spoons...
Capt Jim Hirt
Milwaukee Fishing Salmon Reports June 7th 2010
Milwaukee Fishing Salmon Reports June 7th 2010 By Capt. Jim Hirt Charter Fishing Milwaukee customers are enjoying great action on Chinook salmon to 17 pounds. The best action is four to six miles off shore All anglers are catching fish. You will find Coho, Chinook, Rainbow and Lake Trout steady and p...
Capt Jim Hirt
Milwaukee Fishing Salmon Reports June 1st 2010
Milwaukee Fishing Salmon Reports June 1st 2010 By Capt. Jim Hirt Fishing is outstanding out of Milwaukee Wisconsin. The best action is four to six miles off shore All anglers are catching fish. You will find Coho, Chinook, Rainbow and Lake Trout steady and predictable. A combination of Salmon and Tr...
Capt Jim Hirt
Milwaukee Fishing Salmon Reports 5/25/2010
Milwaukee Fishing Salmon Reports 5/25/2010 By Capt. Jim Hirt In May all anglers are catching fish. You will find Coho, Chinook, Rainbow and Lake Trout steady and predictable. A combination of Chinooks and Coho are filling the box up quickly. Let me tell you where and what to use. To see my video fish re...
Capt Jim Hirt
Milwaukee Fishing Salmon Reports 5/19/2010
Milwaukee Fishing Salmon Reports 5/19/2010 By Capt. Jim Hirt May Has turned into an all species fishery. Coho, Chinook, Rainbow and Lake Trout are plentiful. A combination of Chinooks and Coho are filling the box up quickly. Let me tell you where and what to use. To see my video fish report go to http:...
Capt Jim Hirt
Milwaukee Fishing Salmon Reports 5/17/2010
Milwaukee Fishing Salmon Reports 5/17/2010 By Capt. Jim Hirt May Coho season is in full swing. Great numbers on these tasty 4 pound fish is being enjoyed by all. As a bonus we have found a presentation for Chinooks in the 4-6 pound range. A combination of Chinooks and Coho is filling the box up quickly. L...
Capt Jim Hirt
Milwaukee Fishing Lake Michigan Salmon Reports 5/4/2010
Milwaukee Fishing Lake Michigan Salmon Reports 5/4/2010 By Capt. Jim Hirt Early May fishing has been medium at best. We’re taking a mixed bag of Chinooks, Coho and Brown Trout. You may target your species by working the temps the fish like. The Milwaukee harbor and gaps are holding the best Brown Trou...
Capt Jim Hirt
Fish Report 4/25/2010 Milwaukee Fishing Lake Michigan
Fish Report 4/25/2010 Milwaukee Fishing Lake Michigan By Capt. Jim Hirt April fishing remains very good when you can get out. The weather has created some problems with presentation and access to the best fishing areas. Most of our charter trips are catching limits on Lake Trout with good numbers on...
Capt Jim Hirt
Fish Report 4/19/2010 Milwaukee Fishing Lake Michigan
Fish Report 4/19/2010 Milwaukee Fishing Lake Michigan By Capt. Jim Hirt April fishing is very good. Most of our charter trips are catching limits on Lake Trout with a few Browns. Clear skies with the wind out of the west at 15-25 mph have been the norm. The water flowing into Milwaukee harbor is 58 degre...
Capt Jim Hirt
Lake Erie Report
After big blows again last week, much of Lake Erie's central and western basins were turned into mud bowls. As a result, fishing has slowed and catch rates are way down. However, the waters 8-10 miles north of Vermilion and Lorain are starting to clear and should offer excellent yellow perch angling....
Milwaukee Fishing Lake Michigan Salmon Report 10/24/09
Milwaukee Fishing Lake Michigan Salmon Report 10/24/09 By Capt. Jim Hirt Gale force winds will change everything. The water temperature will be the key to finding fish on your next trip out. As of Sunday morning the warm water is in and the fish were out. A temperature break was in 100 to 140 feet of wate...
Capt Jim Hirt