Fishing remains strong for me here around Anna Maria Island. The weather has been really nice and the fish are biting, what else could a charter captain ask for? With water temperatures moving up and down from night to day it keeps me on my toes as fish move with it, with a few good patterns that work for me we’ve had lots of success.
Trout fishing has been real strong for me, probably the best thing going. Most Trout we are catching is 16 to 19 inches, perfect keepers for the cooler. We are catching a few 20 plus inch fish each day with the largest being about 25inches, almost trophy size. We are also catching some really nice Black Drum each day, perfect eating size with most in the 5 to 6 pound range. Sheepshead are on fire as well, they always are in February which is the best month for Sheepshead. We are catching a few Snook each day, some up to 30 inches but the larger ones have all gotten away. Flounder, Pompano and Redfish are in the mixed as well.
I haven’t been offshore lately. From what I’m told the Mangrove Snapper fishing is solid.
The water temps are raising everyday and flats fishing is just about to explode. All we need is a few more warm days and we are going to be hammering the Snook and Redfish. We are right in that transition as I type this. I love this time of year when Snook just start creeping out onto the shallow-clear flats; it’s some of my favorite fishing of the year.
Well I hope you have enjoyed my report, we have a few days open for this spring if you are looking to get out. Remember, peak Tarpon is May 1st through mid July, we have a few available days scattered throughout the season.