Windy day today in the Delacroix marsh. Got a late start on the morning and missed the incoming tide. First spot, first cast, Trout on! The trout were eating up artificial cocahoes on a 3/8 ounce jighead. We caught the trout in deep water winter time holes 10-14'. The fish were 12-17" and fat. The trout wanted the baits slow bounced on the bottom. Alot of small male throwbacks, but some nice 2 lb females mixed in. The females had eggs that looked to be a couple of weeks from dropping. Looks like an early spawn will happen this year. Thge water clarity was OK considering the wind and that storm that moved through last night. Looks to be alot of Mississippi River making its way into the system since Carnarvon was opened up to 8000 cfs. Good lock out there!