Sorry that it has been so long getting a report out. But this spring has been slow for me on the fishing end of things. Turkies keep me busy most of May. But anyways here goes my report.
Trolling flies for LL Salmon and other trout has been going strong. Flies and other lures seem to be working real well. Salmon are still hitting up on top that is until the water warms up more. A friend and I went the other day and we managed to pick up 3- 17 1/2" LL Salmon and a small Brown Trout. A good fight on a 6wt fly rod.
If you can put up with bugs (blackflies) small ponds and beaver flowages are producing some brookies. Drowning worms or useing flies seem to work in these places. Small lures work also but you have to look out for sticks that the beaver drag in.