Milwaukee Fishing, Down and Deep
Milwaukee Fishing, Down and Deep By Milwaukee Wisconsin fishing charter Capt. Jim Hirt Fishing report 9/09/2019 Join us in Milwaukee! To get my fish reports and how to videos first go to http://www.jimhirt.com By subscribing you will keep ahead of the other anglers. When I post you will get it fast...
Capt Jim Hirt
Milwaukee Fishing Eezy Peezy!
Milwaukee Fishing Eezy Peezy! By Milwaukee Wisconsin fishing charter Capt. Jim Hirt Lake Michigan Salmon Fishing Report 6/24/2019 Hello all, thank you for reading my reports. Joe, Laura and Jonathan Wolf from Mansfield Texas had fair weather and a multi species catch on a beautiful day on Lake Mi...
Capt Jim Hirt
Milwaukee Fishing! Kings Are Here
Milwaukee Fishing! Kings Are Here By Milwaukee Wisconsin fishing charter Capt. Jim Hirt Lake Michigan Salmon Fishing Report 6/4/2019 Hello all, thank you for reading my reports. Bob and family reaped the bounty of Chinook, Lake Trout and Coho. It was great to fish with them. Join us in Milwaukee...
Capt Jim Hirt
Milwaukee Fishing! Starting To Roll!
Milwaukee Fishing! Starting To Roll! By Milwaukee Wisconsin fishing charter Capt. Jim Hirt Lake Michigan Salmon Fishing Report 5/29/2019 Hello all thank you for reading my reports. Amanda and Jesse worked together to land this 15 pound 4 ounce Chinook and a bunch of Coho. It was great to fish wit...
Capt Jim Hirt
Milwaukee Fishing! Gaps For Success
Milwaukee Fishing! Gaps For Success By Milwaukee Wisconsin fishing charter Capt. Jim Hirt Lake Michigan Salmon Fishing Report 5/15/2019 Hello all thank you for reading my reports. Join us in Milwaukee! To get my fish reports and how to videos first go to http://www.jimhirt.com By subscribing...
Capt Jim Hirt
Milwaukee Fishing, Always Hot In Spring!
Milwaukee Fishing, Always Hot In Spring! By Milwaukee Wisconsin fishing charter Capt. Jim Hirt Lake Michigan Salmon Fishing Report 5/6/2019 Hello all thank you for reading my reports. Join us in Milwaukee! To get my fish reports and how to videos first go to http://www.jimhirt.com By subscrib...
Capt Jim Hirt
Milwaukee Fishing, Master the Kings !
Milwaukee Fishing, Master the Kings ! By Milwaukee Wisconsin fishing charter Capt. Jim Hirt Chinook salmon report 8/28/2018 Join us in Milwaukee! To get my fish reports and how to videos first go to http://www.jimhirt.com By subscribing you will keep ahead of the other anglers. When I post you wil...
Capt Jim Hirt
Milwaukee Fishing, On The Bottom !
Milwaukee Fishing, On The Bottom ! By Milwaukee Wisconsin fishing charter Capt. Jim Hirt Chinook salmon report 8/9/2018 Join us in Milwaukee! To get my fish reports and how to videos first go to http://www.jimhirt.com By subscribing you will keep ahead of the other anglers. When I post you will get...
Capt Jim Hirt
Milwaukee Fishing, King are On, Right On!
Milwaukee Fishing, King are On, Right On! By Milwaukee Wisconsin fishing charter Capt. Jim Hirt Chinook salmon report 7/9/2018 Join us in Milwaukee! To get my fish reports and how to videos first go to http://www.jimhirt.com By subscribing you will keep ahead of the other anglers. When I post you w...
Capt Jim Hirt
Milwaukee Fishing, Deeper Water Is Better!
Milwaukee Fishing, Deeper Water Is Better! By Milwaukee Wisconsin fishing charter Capt. Jim Hirt Coho and Chinook Report 6/25/2018 Join us in Milwaukee! To get my fish reports and how to videos first go to http://www.jimhirt.com By subscribing you will keep ahead of the other anglers. When I post...
Capt Jim Hirt
Milwaukee Fishing, Whitefish Bay is the Place for Rainbows!
Milwaukee Fishing, Whitefish Bay is the Place for Rainbows! By Capt. Jim Hirt Report for June 18th 2018 The lake is warming and a thermocline is setting up. The surface action has slowed and the temperature break is at 30 feet to 50 degrees. Rainbow Trout action has been best in the warmer water just...
Capt Jim Hirt
Chinooks and Coho on the Golden Diablo
Chinooks and Coho on the Golden Diablo Milwaukee Fishing Lake Michigan Salmon Report 6/13/18 By Milwaukee Wisconsin fishing charter Capt. Jim Hirt Had limits on Coho Salmon and the Chinook are there if you can keep the Coho off the lines. To get my fish reports and how to videos first go to http://ww...
Capt Jim Hirt
Milwaukee, Pounding Coho On Flies!
Milwaukee, Pounding Coho On Flies! By Milwaukee Wisconsin fishing charter Capt. Jim Hirt Coho and Chinook Report 6/6/2018 Join us in Milwaukee! To get my fish reports and how to videos first go to http://www.jimhirt.com By subscribing you will keep ahead of the other anglers. When I post you wil...
Capt Jim Hirt
Milwaukee, Coho Season Has Arrived!
Milwaukee, Coho Season Has Arrived! By Milwaukee Wisconsin fishing charter Capt. Jim Hirt Coho and Chinook Report 5/21/2018 Salmon are here! Join us in Milwaukee! To get my fish reports and how to videos first go to http://www.jimhirt.com By subscribing you will keep ahead of the other anglers...
Capt Jim Hirt
Milwaukee Fishing, Always Hot In Spring!
Milwaukee Fishing, Always Hot In Spring! By Milwaukee Wisconsin fishing charter Capt. Jim Hirt Lake Michigan Salmon Fishing Report 5/3/2018 Hello all thank you for reading my reports. Join us in Milwaukee! To get my fish reports and how to videos first go to http://www.jimhirt.com By subscrib...
Capt Jim Hirt
Milwaukee Fishing, Multi Species Action!
Milwaukee Fishing, Multi Species Action! By Milwaukee Wisconsin fishing charter Capt. Jim Hirt Lake Michigan Salmon Fishing Report 9/25/2017 Hello all thank you for reading my reports. Join us in Milwaukee! To get my fish reports and how to videos first go to http://www.jimhirt.com By subscr...
Capt Jim Hirt
Milwaukee, Fishing Kings And Huge Coho!!
Milwaukee, Fishing Kings And Huge Coho!! By Milwaukee Wisconsin fishing charter Capt. Jim Hirt Lake Michigan Salmon Fishing Report 9/6/2017 Hello all thank you for reading my reports. Zach Britten joins a long list of happy anglers with a humongous Chinook weighing in at 25 pounds 2 ounce and 38...
Capt Jim Hirt
Milwaukee, Fishing Big Fish Season!!
Milwaukee, Fishing Big Fish Season!! By Milwaukee Wisconsin fishing charter Capt. Jim Hirt Lake Michigan Salmon Fishing Report 8/21/2017 It was a special fishing day for Master Adam Schreiber. He boated this beautiful Lake Trout that weighed in at 11 pounds 15 ounces. This was an experience he...
Capt Jim Hirt
Milwaukee, Fishing Big Kings Out There!!
Milwaukee, Fishing Big Kings Out There!! By Milwaukee Wisconsin fishing charter Capt. Jim Hirt Lake Michigan Salmon Fishing Report 8/14/2017! Austin Lamb of Stevens Point triumphed over this 38.5 inch that weighed in at 24.6 pounds. Congratulations Austin hope to see you again next season. J...
Capt Jim Hirt
Milwaukee, Mixed Bag Continues!
Milwaukee, Mixed Bag Continues! By Milwaukee Wisconsin fishing charter Capt. Jim Hirt Lake Michigan Salmon Fishing Report 7/24/2017! Join us in Milwaukee! To get my fish reports and how to videos first go to http://www.jimhirt.com By subscribing you will keep ahead of the other anglers. When...
Capt Jim Hirt
Coho Are Still King Out Of Milwaukee
Coho Are Still King Out Of Milwaukee By Milwaukee Wisconsin fishing charter Capt. Jim Hirt The lake is warming and a thermo cline is setting up. The surface action has slowed and the temperature break is at 35 feet to 50 degrees. Rainbow Trout action has been best in the warmer water just above the bre...
Capt Jim Hirt
Milwaukee, Shallow or Deep Water stacked with Fish!
Milwaukee, Shallow or Deep Water stacked with Fish! By Milwaukee Wisconsin fishing charter Capt. Jim Hirt Coho and Chinook Report 5/14/2017 Salmon are here! Join us in Milwaukee! To get my fish reports and how to videos first go to http://www.jimhirt.com By subscribing you will keep ahead of...
Capt Jim Hirt
Milwaukee, Chins in Chins out Fishing!
Milwaukee, Chins in Chins out Fishing! By Milwaukee Wisconsin fishing charter Capt. Jim Hirt Chinook Report 9/12/2016! Join us in Milwaukee! Hard fighting three year olds or harbor four year old Kings take your choice. Headed out to deep water with the Hutchins family to wrestle a nice mixed bag...
Capt Jim Hirt
Milwaukee, Strong September Fishing!
Milwaukee, Strong September Fishing! By Milwaukee Wisconsin fishing charter Capt. Jim Hirt Coho and Chinook Report 9/7/2016! Join us in Milwaukee! Hard fighting three year old Kings and humongous Lake Trout dominate the catch. When the rod went off and the line started to peel off the reel I kne...
Capt Jim Hirt
Milwaukee, Fishing Grand Slam !
Milwaukee, Fishing Grand Slam ! By Milwaukee Wisconsin fishing charter Capt. Jim Hirt Coho and Chinook Report 8/23/2016! Join us in Milwaukee! Most trips have earned the Grand slam this past week. Dave Helmers of Madison Wisconsin did battle with this trophy 16 pound 7oz German Brown Trout for a...
Capt Jim Hirt
Milwaukee, Fishing Huge Rainbows !
Milwaukee, Fishing Huge Rainbows ! By Milwaukee Wisconsin fishing charter Capt. Jim Hirt Coho and Chinook Report 8/12/2016! Join us in Milwaukee! You should have seen this 14 pound 11oz Rainbow Trout go air born. Brad LeClere kept cool and boated the biggest Bow of the season. To get my fish repor...
Capt Jim Hirt
Milwaukee, Great Fishing For All!
Milwaukee, Great Fishing For All! By Milwaukee Wisconsin fishing charter Capt. Jim Hirt Coho and Chinook Report 7/20/2016! Join us in Milwaukee! To get my fish reports and how to videos first go to http://www.jimhirt.com By subscribing you will keep ahead of the other anglers. When I post you wi...
Capt Jim Hirt
Milwaukee Salmon, Awesome Kings!
Milwaukee Salmon, Awesome Kings! By Milwaukee Wisconsin fishing charter Capt. Jim Hirt Coho and Chinook Report 7/11/2016! Join us in Milwaukee! Young Ben Wabel caught an Awesome King with his family. To get my fish reports and how to videos first go to http://www.jimhirt.com By subscribing yo...
Capt Jim Hirt
Milwaukee Salmon, Steady Kings!
Milwaukee Salmon, Steady Kings! By Milwaukee Wisconsin fishing charter Capt. Jim Hirt Coho and Chinook Report 7/5/2016! Join us in Milwaukee! Three generations of the Johnson family team up for a great catch of Lake Michigan salmon and trout. To get my fish reports and how to videos first go to ht...
Capt Jim Hirt
Milwaukee Salmon, Twenty Pound Naturals!
Milwaukee Salmon, Twenty Pound Naturals! By Milwaukee Wisconsin fishing charter Capt. Jim Hirt Coho and Chinook Report 6/26/2016! Join us in Milwaukee! Master Evan Krull after a long battle landed this natural 24 pound 12 ounce Chinook. We had a ball almost a grand slam. Brown Trout was the only...
Capt Jim Hirt